Sunday, February 6, 2011

Justin Bieber Reveals Best Part Of Being A Teen Sensation

The 'Never Say Never' star tells MTV News he has to 'stop and just thank God sometimes' for his 'crazy' rise to fame.
By Jocelyn Vena

Justin Bieber
Photo: Michael Loccisano/ Getty Images

If anything is evident from watching Justin Bieber's 3-D movie, "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never," it's that Bieber is just a small-town kid who lived up to the hype and managed to rise to superstardom.

"Never Say Never" not only chronicles the star's rise to fame but also focuses on the work he put into his Madison Square Garden show last September. When MTV News spoke to the star at the film's NYC premiere, he admitted that even he's sometimes astounded by how far he's come.

"It's been crazy," he said. "This whole experience has been amazing and I definitely have to stop and just thank God sometimes and be like, 'You know, it's amazing.' "

Before he was whisked off the red carpet, the singer also dished on what he loves most these days about his crazy life. "The best thing about being Justin is just I get to perform for my beautiful fans every night," he shared.

And his fans are very important to him. He thanked his Beliebers at the screening, letting them know how much he appreciated all the support they've given him.

"I'm feeling good," Bieber added. "It's great to be here. All my fans have been really supportive, so I'm really glad to be playing them my movie. ... Fans will be really excited to see that I'm just a regular 16-year-old having fun just living my dream. And it's possible for anyone to live theirs."

The movie is part concert film, part documentary and includes interviews from some of the people closest to the teen phenom. It also features cameos from Miley Cyrus, Usher and Ludacris, to name a few.

Check out everything we've got on "Justin Bieber: Never Say Never."

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