Singer goes tribal and gets her dance on in trippy new Talk That Talk video.
By Jocelyn Vena
<P><a href="">Rihanna</a>'s wondering <a href="/news/articles/1683252/rihanna-where-have-you-been-video.jhtml">"Where Have You Been"</a> in the just-released music video for the <a href="/news/articles/1674711/rihanna-talk-that-talk-tracks.jhtml"><i>Talk That Talk</i></a> single. Her search takes her to mucky rivers, flower-drenched hillsides, desert-scapes and smoke-filled dance parties, overflowing with dancers popping and locking in tribal couture alongside the sexy pop vixen. The video, which she dropped on her <a href="" target="_blank">Facebook page</a>, opens with Rihanna emerging from a river, scantily clad and as lonely-looking as hinted at in the track's lyrics. "Where have you been all my life?" she sings while performing more intense choreography than fans of the singer might be used to. She shimmies and shakes in an exotic desert-like setting, wondering where her one true love might be hiding.</P><P><center><object width="460" height="260" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" id="embeddedPlayer" data="" style="visibility: visible;"><param name="bgcolor" value="#000000"><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"><param name="allowScriptAccess" value="always"><param name="wmode" value="transparent"><param name="flashvars" value="playerType=embedded&videoId=USUV71200070&playlist=false&enableDomScan=true&"></object></center> The video serves as a kind of photo shoot for a tribal-print-themed spread in a fashion magazine, with Ri donning funky looks that feature lots of animal prints, chunky jewelry and headdresses. It's sexy and full of longing, much like the song itself, and even includes the singer appearing topless in certain shots. And if a topless Rihanna can't find love, what hope is there for the rest of humanity? As the Calvin Harris-produced track grinds on in all its EDM glory, Rihanna continues her trek throughout the world, looking for that special guy, who seems to slip through her fingers at every turn. Rihanna looks fiercely into the camera, shimmying to the song's bumping beat, with her siren call being blasted into the wilds of the world. The video turns psychedelic as it nears its end and a kaleidoscope effect is filtered over the clip, with glitter-sprinkled Rihanna making one final plea. Several dance breaks, wardrobe changes and hairstyles later, Rihanna looks as if she still might have to live her life all by her lonesome. At the video's end, she goes back underwater, with just her dancers to keep her company.</P><P>In addition to dropping her video on Monday (April 30), the singer will also sit down with her "Battleship " castmates during "MTV First: Battleship," where she'll be on hand to debut an exclusive clip from the blockbuster and open up about her big-screen debut.</P><P><b>Don't forget to watch Rihanna on MTV tonight at 7:56 p.m. ET to see the premiere of an exclusive "Battleship" clip, followed by 30 minutes of Q&A with the film's stars on, hosted by MTV News' Josh Horowitz. Fans can get in on the action by submitting video or text questions via or via Twitter using @MTVNews, hashtag #MTVFirst or #AskBattleship.</b> </p>
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